Saturday, June 2, 2012

Bon Voyage

It is our last night in the United States...I guess officially it is our last night in a bed in the United States.  Tomorrow at midnight we should be in the air somewhere over Texas just beginning our 16  hour flight to Brisbane . 

I don't think it has quite "hit us" that we will be living in another country on the other side of the world.  While we are both excited about this adventure we also realize the sacrifice we are making by living so far away from our family and friends.  After spending time in our home towns this realization has only become more clear.  We are blessed with wonderful families and friends and being surrounded by them for the past two weeks has made it very difficult to say goodbye.  Thank you for all that you have done and continue to do for us.  We love you all! 

But enough with the mushy stuff.  I will wipe the tears off of my keyboard now and proceed with the bright sunny side...we can't wait for this adventure and all we will be able to see and learn.  We can't wait for visitors and Skype sessions.  We can't wait to share this journey with all of you! 


  1. I am looking forward to reading about your adventures, and especially seeing your pictures! Best of luck to you both - couldn't happen to 2 nicer people! ~ Nina Morwell

  2. Ok, so now I have to wipe the tears off MY keyboard!! Love you both, miss you already. So happy that flight tracker says you safely landed in Brisbane. Yippee!! One more short flight, then hello Gladstone! Let the adventures begin...
