Monday, August 27, 2012

Attack of the Magpies

There have not been many disappointments Nick and I have encountered since moving to Australia, but one issue has come up in the past few weeks that has caused much stress in the Miller household…THE MAGPIES!  

Magpie breeding season is from late August to early October and during this time they are very aggressive towards people within 100 meters of their nest.  The first I had heard of magpies was at school when I noticed a boy with a scratch on his face.  He told me he had been attacked by a magpie on his way to school and this attack caused him to fall off his bike.  I became nervous as I inquired more, realizing that magpies were particularly aggressive towards people on bikes.  Nick also did some research and found that their aggressive behavior includes swooping in from behind and pecking at the face, neck, ears or eyes.  They have even been known to “dive bomb” and strike cyclist in the head.  I noticed cyclist wore helmets with zip ties attached as protection from the magpies.  I have also heard that people draw eyeballs on the top of their helmets as magpies are less likely to attack if they believe that they are being watched.

This weekend Nick and I had some fun in preparing a little “get up” I could wear to be fully prepared for magpie swooping season.  To the disappointment of Nick I only wear the helmet while riding to and from school.
Just yesterday on my way home I was swooped three separate times by a magpie.  We moved to a new house and the current bike path to school is really wooded.  The sun was on my back and I could see the shadow of the magpie swooping in.  I heard its wings flap close to my ear, saw the shadow lift and then he swooped in two more times.  I have never peddled so fast in my life.  Today I avoided the forest and walked along the street.  The bike path will have to wait until breeding season is over and the babies have left the nest!
P.S. Ryan Smith, I was thinking you guys should come and visit sometime between August and October.  What do you think?


  1. The goggles are the best part of "the look". How SCARY (and haha about the Ryan Smith comment....)

  2. Perfect magpie defense gear!!! I think you could add a surgical neck collar to complete the look and for additional protection. :-) All jokes aside - can't wait for swooping season to be over so you can ride in peace. Really creepy.

  3. That bird just looks mean. Shiver inducing.

  4. How awful. Do you think pepper spray would work? Be safe.
