Sunday, September 16, 2012

Attack of the Magpies II!

Ok, so you are probably saying, “enough with the magpies already!” but this weekend Nick and I were able to capture an attack on camera!  The decoy you ask…my brave husband.  In a way I was happy that Nick was able to experience a magpie attack because I had a suspicious feeling he thought that my stories were a bit dramatic (which they may have been).  Now he has experienced an attack first hand.  Take a look:

Before all the magpie excitement Nick and I were exploring our new neighborhood by bike.  There is a ton of development going on in the area and new houses are being built at an alarming rate.  Gladstone is experiencing an industry boom and thus needs housing to accommodate all of the people moving into town.  Nick and I were saying how we feel bad for the locals.  The cost of housing has risen dramatically and many people can’t afford to live in the area, forcing them to move out of Gladstone.  Another concern is that once all of the projects have been completed in Gladstone and people begin to leave, who will occupy all of the homes that were built to accommodate the initial boom?  Nick and I fear that all of these beautiful new neighborhoods will turn into ghost towns in the future.

A sliver of ocean view

Since moving in we have discovered another perk to our new home and that is the fact that we have awesome neighbors!  Jackie and Jason are our age and moved here from Lexington, Kentucky.  We have become fast friends and it is wonderful to have them right next door!
With Jackie in Tannum

This weekend Nick and I hosted dinner at our place for about 12 people.  I had such a great time that I forgot to take pictures.  The only one I have is of our mini apple pies before they went in the oven.  Nick helped me…can you tell what has been on his mind?


  1. Wow Katie! I am impressed! 12 people over for dinner!!!! AND with home made mini pies!! You go girl!

    PS Nick doesn't look very scared of the magpie...

  2. Have you found a way to get the football games down under?

  3. Where was Nick's bike helmet??? Oh silly me, it's here in Quincy, isn't it?! You should've listened to your mama, Nick...would've come in handy for magpie defense!
    Lovely, lovely, apple pies Katie - you put Martha Stewart to shame! So happy you have an expat family to hang with.
