Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Too Soon?

Well, it’s official!  Nick and I are in the Christmas spirit…in October!  This Christmas will be especially exciting as we will be reunited with our families after being separated for more than 6 months, the longest amount of time we have ever been away.  So if we buy a tree, decorate it and dance to Christmas music that means Christmas is right around the corner, correct?  We are having a Halloween party at our house this weekend and Nick says that we should put the tree in the garage; he doesn’t want to confuse our Australian friends.  I said we could tell them that the house was dressing up as “Christmas” for Halloween.  He didn’t buy it.  

Aside from decorating for Christmas this weekend, we also had a get together with friends from Nick's work to go lawn bowling.  It was a lot of fun...very similar to bocci ball.  Here are some CBI friends giving their best bowling pose.
Sherry, Ange, Steve and Cindy

Calvin, Stella, Princess and George

We also took some time this weekend to walk around the botanical gardens.

Nice to see some fall colors in Gladstone


  1. It's NEVER too soon for a Christmas tree! Can't wait to see the Halloween pictures....

  2. Patti stole my comment:) It's NEVER too soon for Christmas. Enjoy the pre season anticipation. Counting the days....only 52 until we are reunited!!!

  3. Love the tree! Would like to try lawn bowling.
    Miss you and counting the days.

  4. You made me smile again. Counting the days here, too! Happy Halloween!

  5. oh my gosh. that last picture took my breath away. COLOR!!!
