Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Catching Up

It looks like I have to apologize yet again for my lack of blogging, but here is what we have been up to the past few weeks:

My School Sailing Adventure
I had a fun Monday at work as I got to go sailing with some of my students through a charity called Sailors with Disabilities.  We all had the opportunity to steer the boat and work some of the ropes to raise the sails.  So much fun!

Our Weekend Adventure in Noosa
Nick was able to sneak away from work early on a Friday and we made the 4 1/2 hour drive south to Noosa.  We had beautiful weather and were able to get plenty of good meals and shopping in while we were there.  Can't beat 70 degrees in the dead of winter.

About a month ago Gladstone had a big show outside at the marina called Boomtown.  The city was abuzz so Nick and I decided to pack a picnic and check out what all the fuss was about.  The premise of the show was basically, "yes, we know Gladstone isn't the greatest place but make the most of what you've got"!  Well Boomtown, we couldn't agree more!  In a curious way watching mediocre talent can sometimes be more entertaining than watching top talent.  See if you agree:

My New Car
Dad, shield your is very difficult to find Fords in Gladstone.

And finally Nick's Failed Attempt at a Mustache

Whew!  Feels good to be all caught up:).


  1. Loved the picture of you captaining the ship!! What fun - bet the kids had a blast, too. So glad you could get away to beautiful Noosa in the middle of your rough winter. ;) It's kinda sad for the people who are life-long residents of Gladstone that the musical talks about how people don't want to live there and to hang in there because "it's only temporary." It's hard to believe they said that out loud - LOL! And I think Nick looks a lot better without that growth above his lip. Brings back memories of Greg's attempts to grow a mustache - that was a fail, too. Must be genetic! Thank you - love you miss you!!

  2. Thanks for the update! It HAS been too long. I would gladly exchange your 70 degree weather for our 90+ degree weather. Summers are sooo long down here. I love all of your pictures, even the (UN - FORD) Is it an automatic???? Love you! (I kind of like the Nick mustache.....) Tell him to try the little skinny beard in the middle (what is that called????) haha

  3. hahaha that stache... creeeepy.

    I LOVE Gladstone the musical! "Dad, your decision to come here was a pretty stupid one." "You little brat! ... Sometimes life isn't fair."

    I say, take me to Boomtown!

  4. I know who Nick looks like with his 'stache!! The bad guy in "Something About Mary!!" Hahahahaaaaa!
