Saturday, March 29, 2014

Glub Glub

When it rains in Queensland, it pours!
It started raining early Tuesday morning of last week and didn't stop until Thursday evening.  We thought we were done with all the wet weather when on Thursday night we got an additional downpour that overwhelmed our drains, causing water to flood into our house via both the front and back doors.  There was about a half inch of water over the entire first floor.  We both took the day off work to clean and dry the place out.  Most of our belongings look to be OK, although we're still trying to get the smell out of some stuff. 


  1. Not a fun way to spend the day! Hopefully nothing was totally ruined, and you're all dried out now. Thanks for sharing the pics!
    Hugs, Mom

  2. This is a bummer. Sure hope you have things under control by now.
    Not fair that you had this happen twice.
    Take care and keep those MOPS handy!!

  3. Wow! That's horrible! So sorry for you! Beware of MOLD!

  4. Ugh, what a drag! So sorry that happened! Are you still dealing with any issues, or is this (hopefully) a thing of the past by now?
