Sunday, July 8, 2012

Mt. Larcom

Mt. Larcom is a prominent feature in Gladstone and this weekend Nick and I hiked to the top.  It is about a five hour hike round trip so it was a perfect activity to fill a Sunday afternoon, especially since the weather has been so beautiful.  The trail was narrow and at times we felt like we needed a bush whacker to continue up the path.  I liked when we met someone coming the opposite way because as they passed they would say, "G'day Mate" or "How ya goin".  The Australian accent never gets old!  The hike was fun and the view from the top was beautiful.  Here are some pictures from the day:


  1. Wow! What fun! The views are beautiful!

  2. Nick and Katie - you've now had "feet hanging over the precipice" pictures on three continents (Alps - Europe, Camelback & Yosemite - N.America, and now Mt. Larcom in Australia) and I have to tell you, it still gives your mama the willies. But the rest of the hike looks awesome!!! Fun day...

  3. Looks awesome. Was there a lot of hand over feet scrambling? Harder or easier than Camelback?

  4. Joan, in true Nick fashion he has been graphing our highest elevations together. Now he can add this to our graph:)
    Jenna, I think it was easier than Camelback. Less hand over foot scrambling. And, there wasn't a Sweet Tomatoes to refuel...bummer.

    1. Love that you're adding more data to your graphs!! Means you're "living large!" PS How did it rank? (Oh you know where he gets it.)

  5. Great photos Katie and Nick. No creepy crawlies around?
    Amazing views.

    Kathy Campanirio
