Saturday, September 21, 2013

Nice Little Sunday

The things that we get up to on a typical Sunday:
Nick usually cooks his lunches for the week.  His method of cooking eggs has undergone several iterations.  He didn't like peeling the hard boiled eggs, so he experimented with cracking eggs in a muffin pan and placing in an oven.  That's evolved to what he does now, which is put all his eggs for the week into a cake pan.  He says he gets a lot of attention at work.  Wonder why.   
Gourmet burgers.  The messier the better, I say!  Notice these were so messy I had to remove my wedding ring.
Cinderella cleaning the garage.
Nick has been waking extremely early to watch the Boilers play football.  Impressive especially considering the mediocre product on the field.
I've been hard at work on several craft projects.
My first quilt!

Nick's been spending so much time around Aussies that he's starting to dress like them.